在线av 中文 对酬酢流|北京科学中心与英国科学教悔协会举行线上谈话会
发布日期:2024-09-06 19:50 点击次数:197↑点击“数字北京科学中心”在线av 中文,慈祥更多科普履行!
2024年8月28日下昼,北京科学中心与英国科学教悔协会进行线上漫谈。这次会议由北京科学中心交发配合部组织,邀请了英国科学教悔协会首席推行官Lynn Ladbrook女士,以及北京科学中心科学教悔部、科教接头部、科教活动部,北京科学教悔馆协会的代表共同参与。本次会议旨在与英国科学教悔协会疏浚科学教悔的使命教学,缔造互通互联的致密相关。
On the afternoon of August 28, 2024, a webinar was held between Beijing Science Center and UK Association for Science Education. The webinar, organized by the Exchange and Cooperation Department of Beijing Science Center, invited Ms. Lynn Ladbrook, Chief Executive of the UK Association for Science Education, as well as representatives from the Science Education Department, Science Education Research Department, Science Education Activities Department of Beijing Science Center, and Beijing Association for Science Education Museum to participate. The purpose of this webinar was to exchange experiences in science education with the Association for Science Education and establish a good relationship of mutual communication and connection.
会上,Lynn Ladbrook女士先容了英国科学教悔协会的全体情况和亮点使命,包括协会的愿景、会员散播,出书的杂志、竹帛,科学教师处事发展神志在线av 中文,英国科学教悔协会年会等。北京科学中心交发配合部先容了中心在科学教悔表面接头、课程拓荒、东谈主才培养、赛事活动、教师培训五个方面开展的使命。
During the meeting, Ms. Lynn Ladbrook introduced the overall situation and highlights of the Association for Science Education, including its vision, membership distribution, published journals and books, professional development programs for science teachers, and the annual conference of the association. The Exchange and Cooperation Department of Beijing Science Center also introduced the center's work in five areas: scientific education theory research, curriculum development, talent cultivation, competition events, and teacher training.
此外,两边还就外洋科学教悔大会和青少年科技革命大赛等可能的配合认识进行了真切洽商和疏浚。Lynn Ladbrook女士对北京科学中心各项使命得到的成果抒发了高度认同,她示意,雅瞻念在教师培训和赛事活动上进一步洽商配合体式。
Furthermore, both sides engaged in deep discussions and exchanges on potential collaborations, such as the International Conference on Science Education and Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition. Ms. Lynn Ladbrook expressed high recognition for the achievements made by Beijing Science Center in various aspects. She indicated her willingness to further explore forms of cooperation in teacher training and competition events.